Monica Agrawal

Neilsberg Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer
Monica Agrawal is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Neilsberg. In 2019, Monica and Ashutosh co-founded Neilsberg. Since then, she has played a pivotal role in driving key strategic initiatives across Neilsberg's engineering, data science, and growth marketing teams.

Throughout her career, Monica has had the privilege of working alongside visionary technology leaders in the San Francisco Bay Area. This experience has granted her a deep understanding of the agile and transformative nature of the startup ecosystem.

Co-founding a market research firm was a natural evolution, where she embraced the role of CTO. At Neilsberg, her role extends beyond technology to encompass growth marketing, reflecting her belief in a holistic approach. Monica is committed to leveraging the power of technology to propel businesses towards exponential growth trajectories.

Monica holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Mumbai and a Master of Science degree from the University of San Francisco, California.