Newport Beach, CA Demographics

The total population of Newport Beach is estimated to be 85,159 with 41,980 males (49.30%) and 43,179 females (50.70%). There are 1,199 more females than males in Newport Beach.
The median household income in Newport Beach was $153,990 in 2021, which marked an an increase of 2,320(1.53%) from $151,670 in 2020. This income is 206.40% of the U.S. median household income of $74,606 (all incomes in 2022 inflation-adjusted dollars).
In Newport Beach, the median income for all workers aged 15 years and older, regardless of work hours, was $105,748 for males and $51,870 for females. However, when specifically considering full-time, year-round workers within the same age group, the median income was $159,848 for males and $100,280 for females.
In Newport Beach, there are just three different racial groups among households. Among these, Two or More Races households report a median household income of $140,675, followed by White households at $128,903, and Asian households with a median household income of $113,509.
In 2022, the population of Newport Beach was 83,993, a 0.85% decrease year-by-year from 2021. Previously, in 2021, Newport Beach's population was 84,713, a decline of 0.58% compared to a population of 85,208 in 2020.
The median age in Newport Beach, CA is 48.2, as per 2021 ACS 5-Year Estimates. Of the total population, 13.35% were under the age of 15, 15.38% aged 15 to 29, 47.71% aged 30 to 64, 19.66% aged 65 to 84, and 3.90% were 85 years of age and older.
Racial distribution of Newport Beach population: 81.59% are White, 0.81% are Black or African American, 0.32% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 8.12% are Asian, 0.14% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 1.83% are some other race and 7.19% are multiracial.